Comfortable with online trees?
Want to do your bit towards accurate RUNCIMAN etc family trees?
Help out the One Name Study/DNA project by publishing your own genealogy and share the fact that you have taken a DNA test.
(Yes the One Name Study has published trees, but they are only those I've researched, many many more families exist and there's only so many hours in a day.)
WikiTree, a free, collaborative, one world tree site, always was a site with great privacy controls and options, but has just become even better for those of us interested in genetic genealogy.
It has implemented a set of DNA features whereby those who have taken a DNA test (Y-DNA, mt-DNA or autosomal DNA) may mark this on their profile using the facility provided. (Privacy options exist.)
Each person who may be impacted by this test then gets a link on their profile that they may find more family information by contacting the test taker.
Works best, of course, if you conscientiously check for, and merge, any duplicated people found, and work on them together with the other interested researcher.
Of particular interest is the power of connected trees to enable those of us interested in FamilyFinder (an autosomal dna test) to try and determine where such a link may be.
This has nothing to do with actual DNA results, which continue to be published in the DNA project pages, as will trees on the One Name Study, this is a great extension to the project.
What it is doing is identifying family connected to the results, eg anyone on the direct male line of a RUNCIMAN who has taken a Y-DNA test, anyone on the direct maternal line of a female test taker, and anyone within a conservative 5? generations of relationship to someone who has taken a FamilyFinder, or 23andme, test.
Check out the Runciman One Name Study and DNA Project page on WikiTree.
It should help us all leverage off these new WikiTree features to the benefit of those interested in the RUNCIMAN, and variant, surnames.
It provides a space where links may be provided to patriarchs, test takers, and to the One Name Study/DNA Project pages as appropriate.
On the page are some links to instructions from WikiTree on how to protect privacy when entering data for living people.
To upload a gedcom you have to have signify that you have read the WikiTree Genealogist Honor Code.
Whereas WikiTree allows gedcom uploads, data is not readily re-updated via another GedCom upload.
My personal use is to upload a branch of a tree at a time, but only once it is reasonably complete and documented, and only down to the generations no longer with us. Should family members wish to use the facilities for their own data on the living, that is their choice, and can be within the excellent privacy controls as to visibility, and trusted family member facilities offered by WikiTree.
For the ONS and DNA project purposes, ideally we would have all the test takers loaded with their direct ancestors, and each RUNCIMAN patriarch identified on the above project page.
A bonus would be to get the descendants of the patriarchs also loaded, but to do that efficiently requires a plan of attack between those working on a
particular line as to who uploads which branches.
It is best only to load small gedcoms at a time, eg for one branch of a family.
On import, the
first step you are required to do is to compare the identified possible
duplicates and either reject or link them at import to be merged after import processing has been completed.
So, before rushing into this, do check what may already exist there, and identify the gaps to be filled, and linked.
Want to help out by contributing your tree but don't know how? Contact the project admin using the details in the footer of any of the project pages.