Friday, December 18, 2015


A tidy up of the FamilySearch Family Tree for Elizabeth FAMILTON and William RUNCIMAN's family led me to a suggested duplicate as a candidate to merge.
A William RUNCIMAN was indexed as marrying an Ann WESTMINSTER 20 May 1784 St Botolph, Aldersgate, London.
Who were they? Who was she?
The only candidate I had for William in this timeframe/place was married on the same day, same place, to an Elizabeth Campbell MILLINGTON.
The actual entry was re-checked from the London, England, Marriages and Banns, 1754-1921 images on ancestry from the London Metropolitan Archives.
It reads:
William Runciman of the Parish of Saint Ann Westminster in the County of Middlesex a bachelor and Elizabeth Millington of this Parish Spinster .....

Answer: she doesn't exist.
But Elizabeth Campbell MILLINGTON did

Thursday, November 5, 2015

New Y-DNA results on modal for I1 group

Check out the Summary DNA page for  our latest set of Y-DNA results - page down to the pedigree linked table.
Runciman (R-20), another descendant of William of Crail (lineage 1b), has tested to Y-DNA67 and turns out to be an exact match to Jerry, R-2 from lineage 1a.

Updates to other pages will follow in due course.
6th Nov update: Which they now have.
The more detailed DNA project pages on DNASurnames have also been updated, specifically  to include the new DNA result but also to adjust the overall derived DNA signature for Lineage 1 (I1 haplogroup).

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Not quite another Inventive Indexing entry, as in this case it is actually how the original document has Runciman spelt.
Thanks to Sandra for joining the dots to identify that Netty PAINE daughter of John RUNICIONAN  and "unknown", was actually Janet, daughter of John RUNCIMAN and Jean ANDERSON.
(The family emigrated from Berwickshire, sailing on the "Charlotte Harrison" which arrived in New York in July 1851, and settled in Ohio. They belong to the line of James RUNCIMAN & Agnes HERRIOT, lineage 2a on the One Name Study pages - LIH)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Yes we're still here

Lack of postings doesn't mean a lack of activity.

On the Y-DNA front results are in from another line of "William of Crail", thankfully not showing any blips along the direct male line Y-DNA front.
The DNA project pages have been updated to include results for Alan (R-17).
Interestingly, still no distinct marker that can be used to identify just William of Crail's male descendants.

The recent BigY discount offering at FamilyTreeDNA has been used as an opportunity to upgrade the kit of our Lineage 1 SNP testing guineapig (Kevin) and remove the need to painstakingly test SNP by SNP as we march towards the present down the I1 haplotree.
If you recall, we had already reached down as far as Z60, which the YFull chart (follow the Z60 link) shows as having already identified some descendant branches now estimated to be only 350 YBP (years before present) - hasn't the knowledge of the tree of mankind advanced amazingly since we all started this DNA journey!
Wouldn't it be fantastic if over time we could prove when all four of the matching known lineages branched off the overall tree.

Keep an eye on both the ISOGG and the YFull trees for the advances in overall knowledge, and here for the RUNCIMAN part of it. 

A big thank you to those who made this upgrade to BigY possible via donations (always welcome - check out the contribution link on DNA Lineages).

At some stage, one of the kits in the group of matches sharing haplogroup R1 might care to do likewise as all Y-DNA trees are advancing towards the present at a great rate of knots. For R1, keep an eye on either  The Big Tree or/and the YFull R1b tree.

It is highly recommended that anyone interested in the Y-haplogroup tree join their appropriate Y-dna project as the project admins for these are highly knowledgeable about advances in these areas.