Wednesday, November 26, 2008

DNA Surnames RUNCIMANs updated

Check out the updated RUNCIMAN lineage pages.
I finally had time to catch up on a lot of the data missing behind the scenes.
There is probably no different information available on this site than scattered over the rest, but hopefully it is helpful to have access to it all in one place, or at least links to where it all is, and the format etc is so much easier for me to do updates as and when needed, with the potential for future additions.

If you spot any mistakes, or items you'd prefer shown differently, or not shown, just let me know, these pages are for the benefit of the RUNCIMAN Surname Project.
Also check out the Wanted link. If you have a particular family you'd like to see represented there, send me a basic outline gedcom, (no data on living people please), and it can be uploaded.

Even better, if you are an eligible representative of any lines shown under any of the Wanted links, there are some new test discounts available until the end of December.
Check out the details on the WFN pages for further details, looks like about $30US off.

I am aware that there are likely some missing or inconsistent links still to be fixed, particularly once you get into the haplogroup charts, so please bear with me while I continue tidying up behind the scenes.

And, yet again (3rd time), I've requested that Google stop marking this blog as spam. Each time it gets unlocked, it gets marked again straight away. Grrrr. However, I'll persist with this format for the project diary for a while yet as I really like the ability to filter by labels.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

19th: Another good match

Full 37 marker results now in for the Peruvian connection of the family of James and Agnes (HERIOT) RUNCIMAN, and there's a good match with the NZ and American representatives.

Results table updated, and reorganised slightly, to better reflect the similarities between these lines.

Are no other RUNCIMAN families curious as to whether or not there's a match with the Scottish Borders farming community?
Any of the fisher folk?

How about some of the Fife lines, or the Australian immigrants?

Monday, November 3, 2008


Welcome to the new Runciman Surname DNA Project Blog.
Set up Nov 2008 to hold the Runciman Surname DNA Project diary and any discussions that may ensue from the project results.
The previous diary will be gradually transferred across.
DNA Project participants, and active RUNCIMAN family researchers are welcome to send me an email to gain authorship rights to this blog.
Anyone may add comments.

Friday, October 3, 2008

3rd: Patriarch page updates

Patriarchs page updated to show which line the latest kit orders represent.

Friday, September 19, 2008

19th: 6th kit - Peruvian connection

6th kit ordered, from the line of the Peruvian branch of George Anderson RUNCIMAN, great grandson of James and Agnes (HERIOT) RUNCIMAN.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Aug 29, 2008: 5th kit ordered

5th kit ordered, from the line of Thomas & Isabella (LINTON) RUNCIMAN - should match the James and Agnes (HERIOT) RUNCIMAN lines, given that Thomas is their son.

Monday, August 4, 2008

New tests ordered

Upgrades from 37 to 67 markers ordered for the Wanton Walls lines to see what that might tell us about closeness of relationship. Still looking for representative of the other Michigan branch believed to be related (James RUNCIMAN and Isabella CARTER).

Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12, 2008: Revised Haplogroups

Results page Haplogroups updated to reflect recent updates to the Y-Chromosome Phylogenetic Tree. Check out Family Tree DNA's Haplogroup Nomenclature FAQ for more information.

Friday, April 4, 2008

4th kit results - 36/37 match

Final set of 37 marker results back on fourth kit , that of a descendant of James and Agnes (HERIOT) RUNCIMAN of Ayton and Dunbar. 36/37 match with the descendant of James and Janet (HOG) RUNCIMAN, which (to me) indicates that this James is indeed the son of James and Agnes, and the "missing" family that the New Zealand relations thought was "in Ohio, no further information known".

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

3rd kit 37 marker results in

Final set of 37 marker results back on third kit, that of a descendant of James & Janet (HOG) RUNCIMAN who emigrated from Selkirk to Canada.

Monday, January 28, 2008

2nd kit 37 marker results in - full match

Final set of results (37 markers) back on second kit, that of a descendant of William & Mary (BROWN) RUNCIMAN who emigrated to Michigan, which extended the 12/12 match with the Wanton Walls Lauder families to a 37/37 match.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

3rd kit results - different lineage

First set of results (12 markers) back on third kit, that of a descendant of James & Janet (HOG) RUNCIMAN who emigrated from Selkirk to Canada. No match with the Wanton Walls of Lauder descendants.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

2nd kit results arriving

First set of results (12 markers) back on second kit, that of a descendant of William & Mary (BROWN) RUNCIMAN who emigrated to Michigan, 12/12 match with the Wanton Walls, Lauder descendant, as suspected and hoped for.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Jan 12, 2008: More results for 1st kit (25 markers)

Second set of results (25 markers) back on first kit. No exact matches in either Family Tree DNA database or on ysearch.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jan 9, 2008: 1st results in (12 markers)

First set of results (12 markers) back on first kit, no matches with any other Family Tree DNA testees.

Friday, January 4, 2008

4th kit ordered, poss. connection for the 3rd kit

Fourth kit ordered, a descendant of James & Agnes (HERIOT) RUNCIMAN from Ayton/Dunbar area, descendants emigrated to New Zealand and Ohio, who may well show up as related to the third kit of Dec 10th (James and Janet (HOG) RUNCIMAN ex Selkirk to Ontario).