Tuesday, April 27, 2010

27th: Thomas and Jean (SIMPSON) RUNCIMAN

The ONS pages have been updated to include a few more notes on the (assumed) family of Thomas and Jean (SIMPSON) RUNCIMAN.
Still to come, further details on the lines of Alexander (marr. to MANDERSON) and George (marr. to Janet DARLING).

Monday, April 26, 2010


Research on one William I couldn't find in England where expected in 1911 led me to an emigration record of a William, no further information on FindMyPast.co.uk.

The Canadian Archives end of the journey showed that he wasn't the chap I was looking for but did lead to a line of RUNCIMANs from Campsie, Stirling, with connections to Kirkintilloch (DNB).

End result is that the (very few) extant Stirling R*N*M*N* births/baptisms to be found in the OPR index have been included in the Name Distribution map for Births to 1854, with a page being added for Stirling (STI) showing the surname variants/date analysis.
All 18 births/baptisms, with 7 variant spellings between them, over two, probably related, families.

However, not included in the analysis for example is a variant noticed as part of this research - RUNCH. The Campsie family mentioned above appear in two ancestry.com census entries indexed as RUNCH, and not in the ScotlandsPeople census index extracted using R*N*M*N*.
So maybe the transcribers of the census got that one correct!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lineage 1 - theoretical dna signature chart

The Lineage 1 DNA Signature Charts page has had a very, very theoretical first cut at how to join up the two genetically linked lines of William of Crail and David who was the forebear of the Wanton Walls and Earlston line.

Thomas and Jane (Simpson) Runciman

Read the intro for Thomas and Jane (Simpson) Runciman and make up your own mind as to whether or not there are two separate Thomas and Jane families or not.

Better still, if you are direct male-line descendant of any of the sons shown here as possible descendants, please follow the project join link and help us (dis)prove the theories (at least 37 markers, preferably 67).

Or if ineligible to join, ie not a direct male line Runciman descendant, try and find a candidate who is, and/or contribute to the kitty to help subsidise kits for wanted participants.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Another kit at the lab

Crossed fingers for a match with one or t'other of the represented lineages and no glitches along the ancestral paths as we now have a kit in progress for the line of Thomas and Mary (REDPATH) RUNCIMAN.

Summary pages updated to reflect the kit in progress, and to include the remaining panels of Kevin (R-8)'s results (one of two matching representatives from the line of William of Crail, and an excellent match to the Earlston/Wanton Walls lines).

Check out the Wanted! pages every so often for other documented lines where direct male line RUNCIMAN representatives are needed to test assorted theories on how the lines may, or may not, link up.