Friday, November 16, 2012

DNA Discount time again

A great time to explore relationships between RUNCIMAN  (and surname variant) families.
FamilytreeDNA have announced their annual sale:

We would  love to hear from any direct male line RUNCIMAN wishing to explore his family history and do his bit for our understanding of the connections between the various lines.

We would particularly love to hear from him if he belongs to any of the families listed in the  One Name Study Wanted! page, or any RUNCIMAN, or similar surnames, not listed anywhere as yet.
(Further information available on the  DNA project Patriarchs page and on the One Name Study)

We prefer Y-DNA67 tests to explore closeness of relationships, but for initial exploration of matches, Y-DNA37 is a good starting point.

A subsidy may be available for some lines, e.g.  these as yet unrepresented lines: Alexander & Isabella (DOW) RUNCIMAN, Robert & Agnes (KING) RUNCIMAN, Alexander & Joan (MANDERSON) RUNCIMAN, John & Janet (MUIRHEAD) RUNCIMAN, along with further representatives from different lines to investigate  results further, eg George & Mary (DAVIDSON) RUNCIMAN,

Contact details to explore this option, or for any further information,  available in the footer of most project pages.

Order any of the new kits and join the RUNCIMAN project by clicking here
If aleady a participant, log in and order any of the upgrades shown below.

New Kits Current Project Price SALE PRICE (US$)
Y-DNA 37 $169 $119
Y-DNA 67 $268 $199
mtDNAPlus $159 $139
mtFullSequence (FMS) $299 $199
SuperDNA (Y-DNA 67 and mtFullSequence) $548 $398
Family Finder $289 $199
Family Finder + mtDNAPlus $438 $318
Family Finder + mtFullSequence $559 $398
Family Finder + Y-DNA 37 $438 $318
Comprehensive (FF + FMS + Y-67) $837 $597
Upgrades Current Price SALE PRICE
Y-Refine 12-25 Marker $59 $35
Y-Refine 12-37 Marker $109 $69
Y-Refine 12-67 Marker $199 $148
Y-Refine 25-37 Marker $59 $35
Y-Refine 25-67 Marker $159 $114
Y-Refine 37-67 Marker $109 $79
Y-Refine 37-111 Marker $220 $188
Y-Refine 67-111 Marker $129 $109
mtHVR1toMega $269 $179
mtHVR2toMega $239 $179
mtFullSequence Add-on $289 $199
To order this special offer, log in to your personal page and click on the Order An Upgrade button in the upper right corner. A link to the login page is provided below. ALL ORDERS MUST BE PLACED AND PAID FOR BY MONDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2012 11:59:00 PM CST TO RECEIVE THE SALE PRICES.
Log In to Order an Upgrade.
Click Here to Order a New Kit from the RUNCIMAN project
As always, we appreciate your continued support.
Family Tree DNA
"History Unearthed Daily"

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Found a reference to an early RUNCIMAN minister - in Kirkbean, Dumfries by 1585, possibly until 1604, so gave Walter a page of his own, however slight his entry was.
Dumfries isn't exactly a hotbed of RUNCIMAN activity, very few in the Parish registers (see Name Distribution)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mapping UK births

The following picture is more an indication of where my lineage searching has taken me than an accurate portrayal of where all the actual RUNCIMANs (and variants) were born in the UK (sorry, the package being used for this only covers the UK - extending this mapping approach to the rest of the world is a work in progress, as is this UK one).

The methodology used was simply to take all R*N*M*N* primary names in my database, export a gedcom to GenMap, and map the births to counties (pre-1974 boundaries).
As yet, all the places from the database that turned out to be too ambiguous or incomplete for GenMap to recognise have not been investigated, but I was pleased enough with the preliminary result I decided to include it here.

The darker the green, the more births that occurred in the County. Given the preliminary nature of this, the key showing the actual numbers is not included.

Friday, October 26, 2012

New DNA result

Preliminary (12 marker) results are in for our newest participant (R-16).
They show an 11/12 match with Lineage 1, so likely to be haplogroup I1, but as yet too early to show how close the relationship might be.
The overall result grid on DNA Surnames has been updated to reflect the results to date, and the summary result grid on WorldFamilies will automatically be updated with each change received.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It was granddad!

Some excellent digging in the Scottish archives has given us a breakthru on the line of William of Crail.
We knew that William's orphaned children had been brought up by a Richard RUNCIMAN of North Berwick after his fishing disaster - but not how Richard was/might be related.

Phyllis has found the documentation that showed he was their grandfather.

Webpages yet to be updated to reflect this, and the new results that the feverish digging that is happening as a result.
Current candidate for the correct Richard is the one married to Janet GOURLAY, albeit that their William is slightly on the young side IF he was baptized shortly after birth.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

An army twig or two

Realised that the family of John Broome RUNCIMAN had not been included on the One Name Study pages. Remedied.
His mother has now been named, thanks to additional Irish indexes on Ancestry, which enabled the English marriage of George RUNCIMAN and Mary DUGGAN to be found, at Aldershot, but we have, as yet, no idea of where George originated. Does anyone? Certainly the descendants can claim birthplaces reflecting George and John's army careers.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

1851 mismatches

Picking up work started a year ago on RUNCIMAN, and variant, surnames in the UK 1851 census is proving an interesting exercise.
The FindMyPast "and variants" option had netted 324 individuals after correction for duplication, - 253 in Scotland, the remainder in England.
This time round, was searched for R*N*M*N* individuals in Scotland - 291.
So a bit of reconciliation required.

So far "and variants" has been found not to include RUNSIMAN or RUNCIMANN, but that only added 18 to the FindMyPast Scottish total.
Interesting indexing on ancestry has not come as a surprise, all being found indexed on either FindMyPast or FreeCen as per the entries in brackets: Rensiman, Runniman, (both as Runsiman elsewhere), Runssmen, Runesmen (both as Runcimen),  Runsdimann (Runcimann), Runaman, Ranciman, Ranshman, Runthman (all as Runciman).
Still a few more unusual looking interpretations of RUNCIMAN to investigate, but in the process, new twigs have been found for at least the following trees, possibly others:

Monday, September 17, 2012

George, blacksmith

As you can see from the page for George RUNCIMAN, blacksmith, of Kilsyth, Kirkintilloch, and Glasgow, newly added to the One Name Study lineage section, it rather looks like the solution proposed back in 2010 to Sandra's interesting family questions posted on the RUNCIMAN Mailing list back in 2006 looks even more likely.
George & Mary's family were a little hard to uncover, but eventually, combined efforts have winkled them out of hiding - raising more questions along the way of course.
Included in the search were two more entries for Inventive indexing - RUNCLEMORE, and KNUDMORE, from findmypast and ancestry indexing the same 1871 census entry - which I've not sighted, but the evidence says that this is Sandra's Andrew RUNCIMAN.

Monday, August 6, 2012


A few more twigs have been included on at least two of the descendant charts.
  • the family of William & Elizabeth (HASTIE) RUNCIMAN of Iowa, descendants in California
    (lineage 1c OR 2b - anomaly to be investigated!)
  • the line of Thomas & Jean (McBRIDE) RUNCIMAN of Toronto, descendants in Ohio, then Florida (lineage 1b, William of Crail)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Bit of a catch up

It's been a while since the RUNCIMAN ONS Lineage pages were published.
That doesn't meant that nothing happened behind the scenes, just that updates to the web were lagging behind.

Checking the Recent Changes index shows that the update just published newly includes some info on the William RUNCIMAN, Esq. of Birchmore House, near Woburn and his mysteriously disappeared-from-view grandson Philip, last seen in New York.

The next family newly included is that of James RUNCIEMAN aka RUNCH of Kirkintilloch, then Campsie, Stirling. The family did eventually seem to settle on RUNCIMAN as their surname!

A couple of John RUNCIMANs have been given a page of their own, as there has in the past been some confusion over which John RUNCIMAN belonged to which family.
One to William of Crail's line, the other to Thomas and Alison (CURRIE) RUNCIMAN.

Not shown in the recent changes index will be any background additions to assorted descendant charts.
One known change is the inclusion of a few more descendants of Alexander and Joan (MANDERSON) RUNCIMAN. Anyone know what happened to their 3*great grandson Alexander in Portland, Oregon? Son of Alexander RUNCIMAN and Geneva MARTINDALE?

We've also extended northwards with the inclusion of some of the Aberdeen family of Andrew and Jane (DOWNIE) RUNCIEMAN/RUNSIMAN.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meikle Pinkerton?

With another round of dna testing discounts on offer for a limited time this week, we would very much like to find direct male line RUNCIMAN candidates to represent as many of the main lines believed to belong to Alexander & Janet (HENDRIE) RUNICMAN of Meikle Pinkerton as possible.

Results to date have indicated that we may have a bit of a problem with our paper trails !

Take a look at Alexander's descendant chart (click on expand all to see the full chart), and his grandson Thomas' page, where the conundrum is documented (scroll down to the box after the BDM heading).

Completely unrepresented as yet are descendants of:
  • Robert & Agnes (KING) RUNCIMAN,
  • George & Janet (DARLING) RUNCIMAN
  • Alexander & Joan (MANDERSON) RUNCIMAN.

We hope of course, that any such participants would be an excellent match to Peter (R-12), the descendant of John & May (WEATHERLIE) RUNCIMAN, but if  they match any of the other "mis"matches already received we will most definitely be forced to redraw this tree.

As a "Wanted!" dna participant, a subsidy may be provided to entice you into the project.

To join the project, follow this link. Please select at least Y-DNA37 as the test, although Y-DNA67 would be great.
For further information, go to any of the One Name study or DNA project pages and click on a contact link in the footer.

Those interested in seeing which parts of their chromosomes were inherited from which of all of their direct ancestors (as opposed to the Y-DNA tests above which only show matches on the DNA passed from father to son), may be interested in exploring the Family Finder test, currently discounted to $US199 from $US289.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Perth connection - or not?

A lot of the recent changes between the 6th and today are tidy-ups of the remnants of the background changes to make the assorted sites easier to maintain and link.
Exceptions are the inclusion of George, the Perth connection sometimes suggested for Thomas of Innerwick, and of his wife Alison GRIEVE with an alternate set of parents to those sometimes suggested.
Also a WHITECROSS tree highlighting the assorted RUNCIMAN connections along with how the assorted WHITECROSSes are related.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Runcimans Where?

Those listed on the Recent Changes for 6th May are all newly included on the One Name Study pages but not new lineages.
Decided it was time to get a few more pins on the map!
As the introduction for the lineage location page states this map is distinct from the map(s) in the Analysis section in that it involves individuals as opposed to summary place/surname data.
Both place pages have been added to the sidebar menu for easier access.

The former shows only birth (green) and death (red) information for those included on the site where these places have been geo-coded - a growing number, but a lot yet to come.

Zoom in for finer details and click on the balloon to see who is associated with each place shown.

Where births and deaths occur at the same place you may have to zoom to the closest level possible to see both coloured balloons.

Suggestions for people (no longer living) to include to show the dispersion of the RUNCIMAN surname across the globe are welcome, e.g. the first of a branch to reach a new country/county/state.
Use the contact email in footer

RUNCHMAN for a change

The Edward RUNCHMAN on today's Recent Change index is the taster for a tree beginning to be included on the One Name Study pages. Interesting set of surname variants, earliest forbear so far is a John RUNSHIMAN from Cornill in Northumberland.  Descendants named variously RUNSIMAN, RUNCEMAN before settling on RUNCHMAN down to close to present day.  
Edward settled, with his mother Cherry CAMBPELL, in New Brunswick (which is how William of the VALLANCE line was also found)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

And now New Brunswick

The family of George and Agnes (VALLANCE) RUNCIMAN, some of whom ended up in Annapolis, has been updated to include a newfound branch in New Brunswick, that of William & Jeanie (MacAULAY) RUNCIMAN. Perhaps this branch may have some living RUNCIMAN  descendants interested in helping document their family history?
This tree has been included on WeRelate for anyone interested in sharing information, and links added to/from their One Name Study pages.


The recent changes entries on the One Name Study pages for the Inchture family of John & Susan (DONALDSON) RUNCIMAN's family are to include links to (and from) their entries on WeRelate rather than any particularly new information.
As the prior post on WeRelate states, it is a genealogy wiki where you can share your finds. Any pages you update will be added to your "watchlist" and subsequent updates notified to you.

Friday, April 20, 2012

2 day DNA Discount

If any of you are interested in exploring which group of RUNCIMANs you most closely relate to, you may be interested to see that Family Tree DNA, the company we use for the RUNCIMAN Surname DNA project, is having a 2day sale (finishes midnight Sat Apr 21st (?Houston time?).

If you do decide to join, and a sale is an excellent time to do so, make sure that you follow the order link from the project to automatically be enrolled in the RUNCIMAN project. Privacy can be guaranteed, all those named on the project pages have agreed to be so shown.
is the order link, but make sure you are getting the prices shown below

Check out the One Name Study Wanted! pages
for those lines particularly wanted to see who fits where, and the summary DNA project pages to see if your line is already represented
Joining the project already makes you eligible for a project discount, but the prices have been discounted further:
To be of relevance for the RUNCIMAN project the person testing has to be a direct male line RUNCIMAN, sorry about the discrimination, but anyone descended via the female line doesn't have the Y-dna passed down the chain from father to son.
Current Group price/SALE PRICE
Y-DNA 37 $149 / $129
Y-DNA 67 $238 / $199
would be the best for the project but the following may be of personal interest:
Family Finder $289 / $199
FF+ Y-DNA 37 $438 / $328
FF + mtDNAPlus $438 / $328
Comprehensive (FF + FMS + Y-DNA 67) $797 / $657

Y-DNA 12-37 Marker $99/ $69
Y-DNA 37-67 Marker $99/ $79
Y-DNA 12-67 Marker $199/ $148
Family Finder add-on $289 / $199

Any questions, just ask, this is a very good opportunity to expand our knowledge of how the RUNCIMAN families may, or may not relate.
Lorna Henderson
Administrator RUNCIMAN Surname DNA project

Thursday, April 12, 2012


The lineage section of the One Name Study has been updated.
A place index, and a map have been included on the site.
The map shows all birth and death places where geocoding has been added to the birth/death place for anyone included on the site - it's a wonderful way to check the geocoding as you find events out in the middle of the ocean where they were not, in general, born!

Check the recent changes index for included people that have been updated in some way.
In addition several trees may well have updated information on them now, eg that for the Inchture family of James and Susan (DONALDSON) RUNCIMAN, whose son James has now been included, given recent correspondence about the family.

Monday, March 5, 2012


We have a 65/67 match* with a RICHMOND that should bear examination. Family information known, yet to be explored, is that an Andrew, born about 1807 in Scotland, turned up in New York, where there was a son Alexander born in 1845.

* 65/67 to what is shaping up as the modal dna signature for Lineage 1, that of Jerry (R-2)

DNA Surnames update

DNA Surnames has been fully republished, with yet more of the RUNCIMAN data that really belongs on the One Name Study pages now being either shifted to there, or linked to from there, particularly for descendancy charts.
Some DNA conclusions have been updated to reflect current results and matches.

Michigan RUNCIMANs

As mentioned in passing on the Rootsweb RUNCIMAN Mailing List, the mystery of exactly how the Michigan families connect to the Wanton Walls line, and to each other has been solved.
 Family stories say that a brother went to London, died young, and the young children were brought up at Wanton Walls. Some stories say that James and William were cousins, some say they were brothers.
James (marr. CARTER) and William (marr. BROWN)  are indeed brothers, not cousins, and the children at Wanton Walls at the time would be their cousins. Wonder what happened to their mother Mary Ann HILL?

Lineage 1a has therefore been re-connected to remove the place-holder generation that linked James and William as cousins and linked them to their genetic match to the Wanton Walls line.

The research behind this also brought into Lineage 1a the family of bakers at Lauder, John & Mary (DICKSON) RUNCIMAN, from whom we knew that a couple by the name of William & Mary Ann (HILL) RUNCIMAN existed, as John's death cert. provided that info, along with the fact that William was also a baker. Which very usefully tied in to the wonderful London records now available online via ancestry which showed a baker William RUNCIMAN in Shoe Lane, St Bride Fleet St, London.
Who obligingly baptised his children (by three wives!), and which parish clerk/minister obligingly scribbled beside most of the entries "30 Shoe Lane" or variants thereof.

Check the revised Lineage 1a descendancy chart out, as it contains the links to most of the above mentioned people. The DNA Signature chart has also been re-connected to reflect the recent findings.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Glasgow graduates (to 1896)

Thought it was time to recheck the Glasgow University RUNCIMAN graduates (between 1451 and 1896).
Only 6, all are identified.
The two Davids belong to Lineage 1a (the WantonWalls, Earlston line), James Watson and William RUNCIMAN are cousins belonging to lineage 1b (William of Crail branch), and Agatha Rachel RUNCIMAN - M.A. 1902 - also belonging to lineage 1b (Thomas & Alison (GRIEVE) branch, taught in Connecticut, and died there a few days after her brother Oscar).

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Some census enumerators make it hard

Rimsenden on ancestry, Runcember on findmypast, no wonder the family couldn't be found initially in the 1871 census.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Discounts extended to 7th Jan

Family Tree DNA have announced that the discounts below have been extended to 7th Jan.

Monday, January 2, 2012


If you haven't yet found WeRelate, check out the RUNCIMAN families that can be found there.
As it is a free, genealogy focused Wiki, you can contribute your own corrections and updates there.
Consider registering and uploading your own RUNCIMAN family, merging with the existing ones if necessary, to help build an excellent register of known RUNCIMANs.
Also keep an eye on (and add links to) the RUNCIMAN Surname page for links to/from assorted items of RUNCIMAN interest.
Easiest method of adding people is to create and submit a gedcom from your own genie program, with dates and sources, or else it will likely be rejected at the admin review prior to upload,
This is also an excellent way of auditing your own data as the errors and warnings as part of the gedcom validation process quickly show the more unlikely dates in your tree !
Links can be easily created to further information, eg in the DNA and One Name Study projects.

As the FAQs state, no pages will be created for living people, and any earlier than 1750 can be created manually, but not via gedcom.